<span>Letter to Mrs. Cookson concerning the death of Charles Darwin. Transcription: "Down Beckenham Ap 27. 82 My dear Mrs Cookson, I write to thank you both for your kind letters. You will have known that I was in a whirl of business until [] was over. I knew my father was seriously ill + suspected that he might not love this next winter, but that the end was so close I had not a notion. A short illness was really best + he died with all his faculties perfect + in work to the very last - even the night before his death - he was examining some experimental plants. I was on my way to Cambridge when </span><span>I saw your husband by change but I had intended to return home in about a week. I have here two [] to realize [] we have suffered, but I know that the [] of life is gone. I hope you receiver the tickets I checked to be sent to you. I shall call + see you when I can in town in about ca weeks time. It was a wonderfully [] [] if the [] general feeling among the last 15 yrs + we feel glad that the [] of his character- [] appreciated. Ever yours sincerely G H Darwin" Letter written on black-edged stationary, signed by sender.The Robert M. Stecher Collection of Charles Darwin Books and Manuscripts</span>

Letter from George Howard Darwin to Mrs. Cookson



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