<span>Transcription:"My dear Mr Innes I am extremely sorry to hear of your toothache. You must not put, I think more than one drop of Chloroform on the tooth. I send Tincture of Arnica which smarts the skin (deadly Poison) to put outside. Mrs Darwin finds hot fomentations do best. Many find cold water applications best. I have found two or three </span><span>drops of Alum & Swt Spirits of Nitre (in bottle with a label) sometimes do my teeth great good. I was not in when your note came. Yours, C. Darwin I send my bottles which you can return afterwards I send Creosote, some find a drop of this do much good" Letter, signed by sender.The Robert M. Stecher Collection of Charles Darwin Books and Manuscripts</span>

Letter from Charles Darwin to John Brodie Innes [1141]



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