<span>Transcription: "My dear Sir William You will no doubt like to see the enclosed letter of your son, which, whenever perfectly convenient you can return to me. I am heartily glad to think that he will pretty soon now be at home again. What work he will have on his hands; it is enough to make one fear to think of it. Everyone will, I suppose, be quite astonished to hear of the Oaks & Birches of the Tropics; </span><span>it strikes me as almost disheartening; almost as bad as if some geologist were to find Tertiary shells in a Silurian formation. Falconer’s conduct is enough to make one swear at him. Pray believe me with my respects & kind remembrances to Lady Hooker: Your’s very sincerely C. Darwin" Letter sent from Down, Beckenham, Kent, EnglandThe Robert M. Stecher Collection of Charles Darwin Books and Manuscripts</span>

Letter from Charles Darwin to W. J. Hooker [William Jackson Hooker], 1390



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