<span>This research proposes that the congruence between an individual’s expectations and their perceptions of the experiences upon entering a career affect the adaptation/coping strategies used to achieve a sense of organizational “fit.” Interviews conducted with newly graduated nurses and nursing students identified a variety of coping strategies used to deal with the stress of career transition. These adaptation strategies include </span><span>personal, professional and social coping strategies. Congruence of expectations and experience, the presence of external stressors (long hours, nurse vacancies, high patient volumes), and the quality of orientation experiences and peer relationships require an individual to employ different adjustment strategies. An individual who successfully adjusts is said to be socialized. Failure to adjust leads to job burnout and job dissatisfaction.</span>

The Nursing Debut: The Work Entry Transition


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Brohm, L. (2003). The Nursing Debut: The Work Entry Transition.


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