<span>This Briefing Report focuses on non-assistance subsidized child care. A separate report from the Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change details child care needs of public assistance recipients. 1 Information presented here concerns working poor families that may be considered at risk of welfare dependence. The potential pool of qualified applicants for nonassistance subsidized child care was assumed to be all families with children </span><span>under 13 that earned an income equal to or less than 135% of poverty, headed by two parents, both of whom worked or a single-parent who worked. In short, this Briefing Report estimates the number of working families in Cuyahoga County that can take advantage of non-assistance subsidized child care under the newly-enacted state welfare reform legislation.Digital Books at Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio</span>

Non-Assistance Subsidized Child Care: Potential Pool of Applicants in Cuyahoga County | Subtitle : Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change Briefing Report



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