<span>"Samuel Johnson was an Episcopal minister in Connecticut. He refused Benjamin Franklin's offer of first presidency of the Academy of Pennsylvania (now the University of Pennsylvania). Three years later, he accepted the same office at King's College (now Columbia University). Johnson, did, however, prepare two texts for the students of Franklin's academy, who ranged from fourteen to sixteen years of age. The first of these was <i>Noetica</i>. The title page states, "The First PRINCIPLES of Human Knowledge, Being a LOGICK including both METAPHYSICS and DIALETIC or the art of REASONING with a brief PATHOLOGY, and an Account of the gradual progress of the HUMAN MIND, from the first Dawnings of Sense to the Highest Perfection". The full title for <i>Ethica</i>, the second work is, "The First </span><span>PRINCIPLE of Moral Philosophy and especially that part which is called ETHICS in a CHAIN of necessary CONSEQUENCES from certain FACTS" Benjamin Franklin, because of his wide interest, important inventions, searching intellect and epoch-making contribution to democratic government, is considered one of the most distinguished of men, as well as the outstanding printer in his own period. During his long and busy life, here and abroad, his interest in printing never lessened. When he wrote his will in his closing days of his life, it began: "I, Benjamin Franklin, of Philadelphia, Printer, Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the court of France..." (Ege, Otto F.) "The first college textbooks to be written and printed in North America"Original Leaves from Famous BooksOtto F. Ege Collection</span>

Noetica and Ethica (caption)



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