<span>The Brush Laboratories Company was founded in 1921 by Charles F. Brush, Sr., Charles F. Brush, Jr., and Charles Baldwin Sawyer, to engage in scientific research, testing and engineering, as well as the making of and dealing in inventions, patents and processes. Charles F. Brush, Jr., was the first president. After Charles F. Brush, Jr.’s, unexpected death in 1927, </span><span>Sawyer assumed the leadership in the company. The records here include employment contracts and resignations, stock agreements with Charles F. Brush, Sr., license agreements, and patent transfers. The Brush Electric Company includes product catalogs or descriptions of early Brush electrical products such as electric light systems and dynamos.Charles F. Brush, Sr., Papers</span>

Charles F. Brush, Sr., Papers: Series 09: Brush Companies

  • -mods_subject_topic_ms ≠ The Brush Laboratories Company
  • Creator = United Machine and Manufacturing Company
  • Topic = United Machine and Manufacturing Company


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