<span>This collection consists of images, social media posts, textual documents, videos, and other items documenting the personal experiences of Case Western Reserve University alumni, faculty, staff, students, and other campus members during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. This is an open collection that is </span><span>regularly accepting new submissions. After submissions are processed they will become part of the university’s historical record and preserved permanently in the University Archives. Visit https://case.edu/library/research/special-collections-archives/university-archives/covid-19-tell-your-story to participate.</span>

COVID-19: Tell Your Story

  • -mods_originInfo_dateOther_ms ≠ 2020-11-21
  • -mods_originInfo_dateOther_ms ≠ 2020-06-22
  • -mods_name_personal_affiliation_ms ≠ Students


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