<span>Caption "Many Missals, Bibles and Psalters of the XIIth century were written in this fine, bold script. It was a revived form of the IXth century carolingian minuscule. In the absence of miniatures and decoration, it is difficult to assign a manuscript in this hand to a particular country. Some of the letters in this book, however, have been carefully compared with those in a manuscript known to have been ordered in Spain in 1189 A.D. by a certain Abbot Gutteruis, and it was found that the resemblance is </span><span>striking. It is possible, therefore, that this leaf was written in the same monastery. However, because of the uniformity of all scripts in the early period, many English and French manuscripts could present close similarities in the style of writing." (written by Otto F. Ege) This leaf was probably from Spain or Southern France. In Revived Carolingian ScriptVellum leaf from set number 37 of the collection of: Fifty Original Leaves From Medieval Manuscripts, Western Europe, XII-XVI Century, compiled by Otto F. Ege</span>

Missale Plenarium (caption)



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