<span>Transcription: "Respected Sir! I beg leave to return you my sincere thanks for your great kindness in sending me your last work “Aus Natur und Wissenschaft.” I have read the chapter, in which you treat of my work, & you have indeed conferred the most distinguished honour on me. I venture to thank you, also, on account of the good which you will effect in getting the subject widely discussed, & the truth finally discovered, which I have </span><span>much at heart. I am, like so many Englishmen a very poor proficient at Languages, & German is to me, excepting the simplest descriptions, extremely difficult; but I hope to make intelligible to myself some of your valuable volume. With my best thanks, I have the honour to remain, Respected Sir, Your obliged servant, Charles Darwin" Letter sent from Down, Beckenham, Kent, EnglandThe Robert M. Stecher Collection of Charles Darwin Books and Manuscripts</span>

Letter from Charles Darwin to [Ludwig Büchner], 3810



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