<span>The Great Lakes Exposition at Cleveland features as its main attraction an International Village know as "Streets of the World!" This project occupies 7 1/2 acres and contains more than 100 structures. The entrance is built along the lines of a quaint European Castle, and inside is found the transplanted life, color, gay activities of about two-score nationality groups from </span><span>Continental Countries, the Orient, and the Tropics. Each nationality occupies its own individual village. Preservation note: Acc # 521" penciled on back."137695" imprinted on back. Front and back of postcards have been scanned. The front side can be determined by the letter 'a' appended to the filename. Those files with the letters 'ac' have been color corrected.Great Lakes Exposition</span>

Streets of the World and Goodyear Landing Field (recto)



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